B.Sc. Human Resource Management

  • About The Programme
  • Rationale,Aims and Objectives
  • Facilities/Equipment/ Materials

Marshalls’ Hospitality and Tourism programmes provide a broad-based, multidisciplinary, practical and active curriculum with the view to developing critical and analytical minds of students, unleashing their creative potentials and equipping them with relevant managerial and leadership skills. This will help in Marshalls’ quest to produce graduates who will be poised to confront the challenges of their time and beyond, whilst serving as positive influence in their society. It will also contribute to meeting the human resource needs of Ghana’s tourism and hospitality industry for the realization of an internationally competitive and sustainable tourism industry.

Due to the multifaceted and multidisciplinary nature of the Hospitality and Tourism industry, the curriculum is designed to include the broad range of courses in the humanities including; Economics, Management, Geography, French, Philosophy and Sociology as well as the depth of courses in Tourism and Hospitality management. This will ensure that students become well rounded rather than limited to the area of tourism and Hospitality management.

The Marshalls University Hospitality and Tourism programmes are practical-oriented. Though students are introduced to theories and concepts relevant to every course, to facilitate their understanding of issues, the focus is on development of practical and problem-solving skills. Students acquire practical skills through demonstrations, role plays, practical projects, case studies, interactions with practitioners or guest lecturers and more importantly, through the Management Internship Programmes (MIPs) undertaken during the vacation period, at the end of the second semester of Levels 200 and 300.

The active curriculum of the Hospitality and Tourism programmes ensures that students learn to be producers and creators of knowledge, rather than passive consumers of information. Students are given the opportunity to engage in substantial independent research and creative work through assignments, group projects and project work. The learning process is thus discussion-rich, project-driven and writing-intensive.

The rationale, aims and objectives of the School of Arts and Social Sciences are consistent with those of the Marshalls University College. These are as follows:

a. To provide quality university education, training, research and consultancy based on biblical concepts and values.

b. To provide, together with other institutions, academic leadership to Africa and the World so as to address through research, education, and consultation, the socio-economic and political problems of society and those challenges unique to the universal Church of Christ.

c. To provide students with a balanced educational programme that will help them develop and broaden their perception of life and the challenges faced by society.

d. To develop a holistic approach to problem solving and provide an enabling environment for students and staff to develop their full potential.

e. To equip students to personally commit themselves to social change through innovation, inspired leadership and deeper faith in Jesus Christ.

f. To play an effective role in the development and expansion of Christian university education in Africa and the World, through exchange of ideas and resources.

g. To admit students adjudged by the Senate as being academically qualified to study for degrees, diplomas, certificates or other awards of the University, without regard or preference to gender, ethnic origin, race or physical disability.

In seeking to achieve its aims and objectives, the school shall:

a) Provide a wide range of educational activities in an enabling environment to ensure that students acquire the necessary technological know-how required for national development.

b) Collaborate with relevant industry/ world of work, professional bodies, religious, civil, public and private sectors for the development, implementation and review of training packages.

c) Offer courses of study leading to bachelor, master’s and doctorate degrees. Within the period of commencement of programmes of study, the degrees shall be jointly awarded by Marshalls University College and an affiliated institution.

d) Work towards establishing linkages with local or international institutions for collaborative efforts towards enhancement of education and extension of knowledge.

e) Publish the results of studies or research work which are of academic or practical value.

Hospitality management and Tourism Management are interrelated. For Tourism industry to flourish, there should be a good and efficient Hospitality business where tourists are assured of good services. It is therefore important that managers in each sector have some idea of the other sector, hence students reading the two programmes are scheduled to take several courses jointly. Both Hospitality Management and Tourism Management students take the same courses at Levels 100 and 200.

To facilitate teaching and learning, the University has made available lecture rooms equipped with Public Address Systems and Projectors for power point delivery of lectures. Besides, there are demonstration rooms and studios to enable students undertake practicals and hands-on training. These include kitchens, dining and sleeping areas for guests. The University has plans to build hotel/guest house on its permanent site at Akosombo, which will be completely managed by the students from the School of Arts and Social Sciences.

Since all students of the University are expected to be computer literate, the University has a computer laboratory and internet facility to enable students access the internet with both desktop and laptop computers. There are also photocopiers and printers for the use of both staff and students.

There is also the University College Library, the Mother Mary Library (named in honour of the proprietor’s mother) with viewing rooms, group study rooms, journals library and a media library. The library has a collection of over 2,000 print books and 628 e-materials. The University has joined the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Ghana (CARLIGH) and therefore has on-line access to the 30,000 current journals that feature in various databases.

The e-library has 45 computers all networked. Students would be provided with passwords and user names and should be able to access the library on their cell phones anywhere and at any time. There are also a variety of CD-ROMs available in the library. Heavy duty photocopying machines are available for users of the library.

As a safety measure, fire extinguishers have been placed at vantage points and both students and staff will be trained in handling them.